Contact Us

Local representatives from Park Community are ready to answer any questions you may have or tackle any issues that arise. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

How would you like to connect?

We’re here to help! Whether you have questions about your account, need assistance with a loan, or just want to learn more about our services, our team is ready to assist you.

Call Us

Call Center Hours

  • Monday – Thursday: 9am – 5pm
  • Friday: 9am – 6pm
  • Saturday: 9am – 12pm


Chat Online

Chat with a live team member! Just look for the “Chat with us!” icon in the bottom right of your screen.

Mobile Text

Text with a team member during call center hours.


Debit or Credit Card Support

If you’ve lost your card or notice unauthorized transactions on your debit or credit card don’t hesitate to reach out.

Report a lost or stolen Debit Card.

For a lost or stolen debit card, stop by your local branch or call 800.449.7728

After business hours, choose the option for lost/stolen card from the prompt and hold on the line until you speak to a representative.

Report a lost or stolen Visa® Credit Card.

For a lost or stolen credit card, stop by your local branch or call 800.449.7728

After business hours, call 866.570.1664

Dispute unauthorized transactions.

For Debit Cards, call our dispute Contact Center 24/7/365 at 833.699.0077

For Visa® Cards, call 866.570.1664 during the hours of 8am-8pm Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.

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