Trusted Contacts

As fraud, scams and elder financial abuse increase over the years, credit unions look for ways to combat and fight back to keep members’ accounts and finances safe.

Park Community has many tools in place to help prevent financial fraud, but sometimes a trusted friend or family member is the best person for the job to “check in” with you to make sure that you’re not being scammed or financially taken advantage of by someone pretending to be someone else. For that reason, Park is encouraging members to name a Trusted Contact* on their accounts.

What is a Trusted Contact?

A trusted contact is someone who you trust: a family member, close friend or attorney who can confirm your current contact information or discuss red flags on your account with you, such as unusual activity.

An Added Layer of Protection

A trusted contact is an added layer of protection to help keep your accounts safe and assist in protecting against financial fraud. The Trusted Contact allows members to prevent fraud and scams without giving up control of their finances.

When will my Trusted Contact be contacted?

Park will ONLY contact your named Trusted Contact when our Fraud Department feels that something isn’t right with a transaction. The Trusted Contact will only be told that there was a transaction on the account that seemed out of the ordinary and to reach out to you to look it over. They will not be given account information or transaction history, just a suggestion that they should reach out to you.

Who can be a Trusted Contact?

Anyone you trust, over the age of 18 who you, the member, trust to be contacted.

Your chosen Trusted Contact is not a joint member on the account and cannot conduct transactions or have account information. The Trusted Contact is simply someone who you trust to reach out to you if Park cannot reach you and make sure that your account activity is being conducted by you and you’re not in trouble.

Only the primary member is able to add, change or remove a Trusted Contact, and it is the primary member’s responsibility to keep the Trusted Contact’s contact information up to date.

A Power of Attorney is not able to be listed as a Trusted Contact on an account they are already POA on, unless the documentation specifically states.

Where do I add my Trusted Contact?

You are able to add a Trusted Contact in branch with one of our representatives or request it online using DocuSign at the link below. A form may need to be notarized if you aren’t able to be in branch or use DocuSign.


*Trusted Contacts are only able to be added to General Memberships and can only be added, changed or removed by the primary member. A Trusted Contact is not a promise that Park will catch all fraud and scams; it is simply a service offered to assist in contacting the member when red flags are raised.

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