Money Market Accounts

Opening a Park Community Money Market Account is kind of like having your cake and eating it, too. It’s like a high-interest savings account with checking account privileges. Our Money Market Account allows you to earn higher rates as your balance grows, but you still have access to your money when you need it.

Time is money. In this case, more money.

Benefits of a Money Market Account

  • No monthly service charge
  • 6 FREE withdrawals per month with $250 minimum withdraw*
  • No charge, no obligation financial counseling
  • FREE Signature Guarantee
  • FREE Notary Service
  • Plus, you get all the other great benefits, like Online Banking, Mobile Banking, and Banking by Phone from banking at Park Community.

Current Rates

Current Money Market Account rates

Money Market Accounts

RangeDividend RateAPY*
$1,000 to $50,0000.449%0.45%
$50,001- $150,0000.995%1.00%
$150,001 – $250,0000.995%1.00%
$250,001 & higher1.094%1.10%

*APY + Annual Percentage Yield. All savings rates quoted as annual percentage yields. Rates as of 05.06.2024 and subject to change without notice. Fees could reduce earnings


*APY=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates as of 11.8.2024 and subject to change without notice. An early withdrawal penalty may be imposed on certificate accounts. For more detailed information, call 502.968.3681.

**Please consult a skilled tax advisor regarding tax deductibility.

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