Savings Jar

We have taken the concept of putting your extra change each day into a jar to the next level! Add the Savings Jar option to your account in Online or Mobile Banking, and with each debit card transaction you make, we round-up to the nearest dollar and sweep the extra change into the savings account of your choice.

This free option makes saving a no brainer and can be added to any Regular Savings, Additional Savings, and Holiday Savings accounts that are under the same membership as the debit transactions.

Saving Has Never Been Easier

  • Point of Sale (POS) and Signature based debit card transactions are included
  • If a transaction is an even-dollar transaction, no round-up will occur
  • All round-up amounts are totaled and posted in one deposit to the savings account
  • If funds are not available for the round-up transaction, no transfer will happen

Make Easy Donations

Set your destination account to donate directly to the Park Community Foundation and help build a more vibrant community. Donations are used to support the Foundation’s three impact areas – education, financial wellbeing and thriving communities.

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