Financial Education

Ensuring that everyone has fair and equitable access to financial education and resources helps to build a solid foundation for communities to grow and thrive.  In addition to financial education sessions, Park members have access to Zogo and GreenPath to further their financial wellbeing.  

GreenPath Financial Counseling and Money Management

As a Park Community member you have unlimited access to GreenPath’s financial counselors who can offer you solutions tailored to your individual needs. GreenPath has more than 50 years of experience and can help you with a wide range of issues, including:

Greenpath Solutions Available:

You’re in control of your finances with Brightside Checking Account. We created an account that makes it simple to save and gives you grace when you hit a financial shortfall. There is no minimum credit score requirement and Brightside is a great opportunity to get started or start over with a checking account.

  • Personal and Family Budgeting
  • Understanding Credit Scores
  • Avoiding Bankruptcy
  • Foreclosure and Repossessions
  • Debt Repayment
  • Money Management

Free Tools & Resources from GreenPath

A trusted national nonprofit with over 60 years of helping people build and understand their finances. The GreenPath counselors are NFCC-certified and are able to give you options on a variety of financial topics.

Free Financial Tools & Resources

Financial resources when you need them. As a Park Community member, you have access to GreenPath’s services, including financial counselors who can are there to help you with your finances.

Greenpath Newsletter

Build and maintain your financial wellbeing with this monthly newsletter from Greenpath.

Greenpath Blog

These quick and educational reads cover a variety of informative financial topics to help you be a well-armed consumer.


Learn everything from how to open an account to reconciling your account with this free self-study program.

GreenPath Debt Resources

Set yourself up for financial success with these free resources from GreenPath!

Student Debt

Student loan payments resumed in October 2023, with interest starting to accrue in September 2023. If you are unsure what your next steps are, take a look at these free student loan resources.

Understanding Credit

From getting approved for a loan to lower interest rates, there are many benefits to improving your credit.

GreenPath Management Resources

Set yourself up for financial success with these free resources from GreenPath!

Financial Calculator


Stress & Spending

GreenPath Pathways Newsletter

3 Healthy Habits

Developing healthy financial habits can do wonders for
helping us achieve our goals, and the earlier you start,
the better!

To Do’s for Finance

GreenPath’s Pathways Newsletter on Financial Health

Healthy Money Management

GreenPath’s Financial Wellness Digest

GreenPath Counceling Resources

Set yourself up for financial success with these free resources from GreenPath!

Homeownership Counseling

Homebuying doesn’t have to be scary or overwhelming. Let GreenPath guide the way!

How to Recover from Financial Setbacks

GreenPath’s Pathways Newsletter

Navigating Uncertainty

GreenPath empowers people to lead financially healthy lives, even in times of uncertainty.

Budget Worksheet

GreenPath’s Budgeting Worksheet

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