What is Zogo?

It pays to learn about finance – literally!

Zogo is a gamified financial literacy app that rewards users for completing bite-sized financial literacy lessons on intelligently saving, spending, and managing their money. The app includes nearly 400 modules in 22 different topics, from opening a bank account to saving for retirement – and everything in between.

Get Started Today!

By completing modules, taking interactive five-question quizzes, and participating in daily trivia games, users earn virtual “pineapples” and work toward real-life rewards – like a $5 gift card to one of their favorite stores!

Download the Zogo App

The Zogo App is available as a free download in the Apple App Store or Google Play. Simply follow the directions below and start earning today.

  • Download the Zogo Finance app.
  • Register and enter the access code “PARK” to join.
  • Once enrolled, make sure you see the Park Community logo on your home page.
  • Now you can explore categories and start earning rewards!

Learn More About Zogo

What is Zogo? Find out more in this quick video.

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